Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 5: Things are back to good.

What happened? In my last post I was feeling very depressed that I couldn't even tell the story that I wore my sisters jeans, (Don't tell her!). Today though, was different.

I got up early, I fed and watered the animals, and I enjoyed the view. I now wish that I had taken pictures, there was frost that seemed to be covering the world. Everything was simply beautiful, even the cows, of whom I normally detest looked stunning with their jet black fur against the white world. Now I wish even more that I had taken a picture, just that cow standing there, with the caption: "Dare to be Different" would have spoken volumes.

My mother's racist tea
After I had enjoyed the view quite throughly,I heated some water, and took a bath. Which, I will say I was not happy about, although I kept my smile.
I finished off my morning by making some tea and waking my mother. I did, however take a picture of the tea my mother was drinking, which spoke similar stories as the picture of the cow would have. If you don't get it, watch this video.

Speaking of such jokes, I've been watching a lot of Julian Smith's videos. I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm obsessed, but that's pretty much all I've been watching this past week. I guess that's a good thing, way to keep my optimism up!

After all this, I sat in the car for awhile while driving to Crowley. On the way though I was really thinking about how much I really enjoyed riding in the car for those ten minutes. Which kind of sent me back to day 3 of my journeys through optimism. As I stated in that blog post, my day actually started up really good. I wasn't very tired and felt generally optimistic about the entire day. I had even felt as if I had accomplished something, because, due to lack of laundry, I had to wear my sisters pants. Yet they fit perfectly, which instantly brightened my day for two reasons.

  1. I now had a larger supply of pants that I could wear when without laundry
  2. I was as tall as my sister.
This was a great feeling and it really made being happy easier for the rest of the day. Especially so as soon as the bus came.
The moment the doors opened, I felt the warm air rush out and warm my face. Then, slowly, as I stepped onto the bus a chorus of greetings met me. It was if everyone could tell how happy I was and it was already spreading. Although, I knew it was just because the elementary kids had just learned my name.

As I sat down on the bus, a thought struck me. I was the only one sitting in the entire vehicle who was genuinely happy to be there, ironically, this thought depressed me, though not for long.

I was awoken from my flashback of sorts to remember how good it was to just be in a car. Soon enough, we were at our destination. The house of Santino, we then, after hoisting Santino into our charade, left back to the house. Where we filmed and rehearsed for several hours. After which, I rode horses, and I even got to jump them a little bit.

Which is how I spent my entire day!

So, I guess, since I didn't post anything really for the past two days, I should explain how these in-described   days progressed.

The third day of optimism went swimmingly. I was completely ready for my new speech, which I am to give on Monday the 1st.

In fact, although I really didn't do much. It was just the greatest day I've had in a long while. Trying to be happy actually works.

The fourth day, I received some great news. On the same day I am going to give my amazing speech, Monday the 1st, my sister Jasmine is also going to be flying into Denver! Aside from that, I had only accomplished one thing. I had rendered an amazing poster of my new upcoming film project. This had taken the entire day. And I only had left my room a few times to re-stock on food products, chlorine gas, caffeine and such. I wish I could show you it, but alas, since I cannot. I should at least post one rendered frame of it to end this post.

Good turtle talk, Joel goes spoon.

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