Sunday, May 8, 2011

Back in the business!

Sometimes I wish I had like, an infinite amount of time on this Earth, there are so many things that I want to do with so many people!


No! Not like that! Get your mind out of the gutter!

But seriously, I really want to participate in life. I guess this is how humans should feel, which, probably says more about the way I've been feeling lately than I probably wanted to say. It's true though, I haven't felt human in  awhile. (Stop looking at the kitten, I know, it's cute, but stop looking at it, your making it scared) Sadly, I haven't felt machine either, my productivity was at an all time low for a long time. Infact, I would even go to say a full year, atleast since last November (NaNoWriMo) Today was a success! I felt like when I went to go get something done, it got done! Even if it was just feeding animals, or going for a 2.6 mile run. Today really inspired me to get the most I can out of life. Today inspired me to do something great all day.

I'm talking to someone via IM and I think that, even though I was just feeling all great and inspired while typing about my day above, she said something that totally changed my mood. She said:

  • You're making me look like an idiot, cause I keep laughing, and the people in here keep looking at me
  • Well, it's only two people...
  • but, still
And I kinda just stopped for a second. I was feeling all great about myself, feeling alive again, and it was perfect timing. I could have won a million dollars today and those three lines of IM would have still been the best thing that happened to me today. I think I understand now what the meaning to life really is. It's about us. Humans.

You know, I just realized I'm probably going to look back on this day for a long time. Because, if I can just make people smile in my life. Make them feel for a moment like the world isn't falling down around them. I'll know in my heart that I have the most fulfilling life that anyone has.

So I just want everyone to know...

When you laugh, I smile.

So smile, and I'll laugh at your crazy random smile!

Good turtle talk, spoon heil.

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